Pop Up Team

St. Joseph County

  1. Portrait of Yenupini Adams

    Yenupini Joyce Adams

    Principal Investigator for the Pop Up Village, Assistant Professor of the Practice and Global Maternal Research Lead at the Eck Institute for Global Health

  2. Sally Dixon in a camel colored coat with arms crossed.

    Sally Dixon

    Community Liaison for the Pop Up Village and Maternal Infant Health Coordinator for Beacon Health System Community Impact

  3. Olivia Morris in a blue top smiling.

    Olivia Morris

    Community Liaison for the Pop Up Village and Community Action Coordinator for Beacon Health System Community Impact

  4. Jessica Schiller

    Jessica Schiller

    Research Project Manager, Eck Institute for Global Health

  5. Portrait of Elizabeth Wood

    Elizabeth Wood

    Co-Investigator for the Pop Up Village and Associate Professor of the Practice, Eck Institute for Global Health

Support Team

  1. Marian Botchway

    Marian Botchway

    Assistant Director of Training Initiatives, Eck Institute for Global Health

  2. Katharyn Hutson

    Katharyn Hutson

    Assistant Operations Coordinator, Eck Institute for Global Health

  3. Nydia Morales Soto

    Nydia Morales Soto

    Assistant Director of Research Initiatives, Eck Institute for Global Health

  4. Michael Reger

    Michael Reger

    Associate Professor of the Practice, Eck Institute for Global Health